Live Oak Pest Control

Live Oak Pest Control was started in 1972 by Bob and Frances McGranahan. From the very beginning Live Oak Pest Control prides itself on giving the most professional, customer service oriented pest control. From these humble beginnings with Bob as the only service technician and salesman and Frances as the secretary and bookkeeper, Live Oak Pest Control has grown to be the leader in pest control in North Central Florida. We are now operating with nineteen pest control technicians, four termite technicians, four lawn and ornamental technicians and two sales representatives. The office is staffed with seven secretaries, a bookkeeper and an office manager. A University of Florida graduate entomologist is also on staff to answer any questions you may have. All of our technicians attend a monthly training meeting to learn new techniques. We operate with only the most advanced equipment and products on the market. However, during all of this growth we have not forgotten what makes our company the leader in quality pest control?.SERVICE.

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